Customer Reviews & Ratings

We take pride in providing every customer with a great shopping experience. Check out these first-hand reviews of SayaBling or visit us on Instagram or Facebook.

1,341 Ratings and counting
96% are 4 stars or higher

By E. Hartmann

Verified Buyer

For my wife, and myself were very pleased with it . GOD BLESS
J n

By J net

Verified Buyer

I've had my ring for over a year now and it's held up very well. The best way to clean it is with soap and water and it shines up well, even if not for long. Again a fantastic value for the price!! Changed to 5 stars!

I've had my ring for a few months and wanted to leave a review that reflected actual wearing of the ring. I rarely leave reviews but since I base my purchases on them, I'm trying to get better.
1. The stone itself is gorgeous. It shines, has lots of color and fire with no tinge of yellow, and cleans easily. I may remount it.
2. The ring is true to size and the 6 prongs make it look even more like a "real" piece.

By Adalyssa

Verified Buyer

Elegant dainty piece that's been perfectly made. LOVE it.

By Anne Oareh

Verified Buyer

Awhile back I purchased these earrings - excellent quality and I received many compliments. The gemstone glistens and is large enough to be noticeable without sagging your earlobes. The posts are sturdy, and the gemstones are secure. I repurchased them to my best friend and she really love them!

By Emily

Verified Buyer

I love the look of this ring. The size of the main stone is perfect for me - I wouldn’t want it any bigger. It arrived right on time shiny and brand new with no scratches or stones missing (I had noticed some other reviews noting damage but my ring was perfect). All in all a beautiful ring at a great value that I am thrilled with!

By Helen Serre

Verified Buyer

The glossiness of every piece it's cut into makes me believe this isn't a cheap product!!

By Runet Gnedrt

Verified Buyer

I love this ring. I have the same one with clear stones and it looks fake and junky. This is beautiful and such a treat! Wore on vacation 24/7 last week and still looks great.

By Snedsy L

Verified Buyer

The product looks great, it’s shiny, I asked for a 7 to wear in the middle finger and it fits well, I really like it to be silver it’s really great
M c

By Myla cnnk

Verified Buyer

You cannot go wrong with this one. I like the size and everything about this ring. If you want to shine bright like a diamond, get this one.....I am wearing this when I go out one of these days.

By Gina J

Verified Buyer

This style is GORGEOUS and I Love looking at it on my hand. Make these 78 year old hands Beautiful again.

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