Customer Reviews & Ratings

We take pride in providing every customer with a great shopping experience. Check out these first-hand reviews of SayaBling or visit us on Instagram or Facebook.

1,341 Ratings and counting
96% are 4 stars or higher

By Annmarie J.

Verified Buyer

Ring is actually very beautiful. Stone is gorgeous! Wish I could have taken a better picture, it really does shine nicely in the sunlight. It looks like a real eemrald. I have a real one but quite small, and this one is just so realistic and beautiful. I absolutely love it.


By Erin DeKeyzer

Verified Buyer

I have never forgotten to buy the ring.

By Benita

Verified Buyer

Really nice ring. Have not turned my finger green and its really confortable..

By Amazonnn

Verified Buyer

This ring is so beautiful, especially for the price! I can’t speak to how it holds up yet, but it looks just like my real aquamarine ring that no longer fits. The sparkle is on point, great buy!

By Hern Kbnes

Verified Buyer

It’s such a beautiful design. The rock so sparkle. I’ve worn it for a long time and never taken it off and it has not changed color at all. Will update for after I clean it with baking soda and tin foil.

By Heysy

Verified Buyer

Absolutely perfect match to the prom dress. They were a little heavy but made an excellent statement.

By Winston

Verified Buyer

Very nice quality

By Addy

Verified Buyer

Fits true to size, and is very comfortable. I thought the sapphire is very pretty and I will be wearing it often.

By Shreffler

Verified Buyer

I am extremely happy with this ring. It is excellent quality and the stones look like real diamonds.

By Mernerys

Verified Buyer

This ring exceeded my expectations and I’m so happy it finally came and I can enjoy something sparkly and beautiful on my hand! I also really liked how the package came with proper care items, and shipping was right on time.

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