Customer Reviews & Ratings

We take pride in providing every customer with a great shopping experience. Check out these first-hand reviews of SayaBling or visit us on Instagram or Facebook.

1,341 Ratings and counting
96% are 4 stars or higher

By ngantiffany

Verified Buyer

Cute necklace that is nicely made.

By Jenn M.

Verified Buyer

The bracelet is lovely it is strong and my wife wears it every day. She works in a demanding cold environment and so far so good. Will buy here her birth one for her birthday.

By Martin

Verified Buyer

Great purchase. This site has great merchandise and great customer service, thanks for shipping it out quickly.
W h

By Whitney hodgkin

Verified Buyer

My Niece loved this gift!

By Elizabeth

Verified Buyer

I am in Love with these earrings! Great quality, beautiful finish! They are now my go to earrings for the day!

By Sarah

Verified Buyer

Lovely ring. True to American size. Shining, no chips in the stone. Metal work is lovely. I’ll definitely more jewelry from this seller. My item also came early. No problems, no complaints. I wear the ring every day. There’s no wear down on it yet, it’s holding up very nicely and i work with my hands a lot.

By Donnaty Berentt

Verified Buyer

Love the beautiful opal colors and accents on this bracelet! Quality clasp to make sure it won't fall off your wrist. I bought one from another company and returned it due to the flimsy clasp that I knew would break easily. Very pleased with this stunning bracelet!

By Rebecca Wrage

Verified Buyer

LOVE IT! I've been looking at a necklace pretty close, if not the same, as this one and it's totally adorable.


By Pamela Meadows

Verified Buyer

This ring is stunning in person. I love the size of the ring, the emerald color is gorgeous and I plan on customize this in the white too :)

By Ivy Sennett

Verified Buyer

A long necklace will make my neck more slender and even less picky about skin color, which is very friendly to obese people.Love this!!!

1341 Item(s)